Tuesday, November 17, 2009





1 如果一个人对你说你做错了,你可以为自己争辩;两个人告诉你你做错了,你也可以坚持自己的立场;三个人说你错,你可能还可以说是个巧合/误会;如果很多人说你错,你就反省吧!否则你将这样的性格注定你一生。

2 面子,好胜害死人。爱威,要赢- 城市人喜欢hard sales自己,爱在人面前呈现自己的长处以驳取好感。可是也会物极必反,太爱现的话就会令人反感。你的才华若隐若现的那一刹那,才是最光芒的!

3 情绪控制-EQ,这门学问从你懂事那天要一直学,一直体会到老。人生的途径漫长,经历不同的成长阶段。无论做什么都好,都要很会控制自己的情绪。切勿操之过急妒忌他人之心,还有不乱发脾气。可是这点真的很难做到!



1 comment:

  1. lol I only agreed with half of your perspective,when people tell me I'm wrong,yes as you said will first try to explain and understand it,if really wrong will admit and do the necessary,but then when an amount of people telling you,you are wrong it doesn't mean 100% is wrong,especially when those people are connected,just like a rumor spread out how many percentage is true? still depends on the very own person,if he/she know and understand what is happening,we don't say is GREAT,but sometimes people around will never know what's really behind and the truth.and the most important thing is chances that people around who offer,are you sincerely forgiving and helping and hoping the changes or just criticize?
    2. yea this one totally agreed,ego doesn't help,"thick face" also doesn't help as well.it will always be the blocking stone.
    3.Yea EQ, no doubt everyone have their own personality,but self-control is the hardest thing to do,but if u manage to control urself,not only in temper,but in everywhere,im sure successful is near his/her = )
    cheers,just some opinion I had in my mind,thanks for making my day as well really help me out in office,just like adding some oil into my brain make it move abit,cause it's been stuck for whole morning ^^
